
User’s Guide to FD2InLine parser

October 24, 1996

Kamil Iskra

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1 Introduction

FD2InLine’ is useful if you want to use ‘GCC’ for AmigaOS-specific development and would like to call the functions in the AmigaOS shared libraries efficiently.

The format of calls to the AmigaOS shared library functions differs substantially from the default function call format of C compilers (see section Background). Therefore, some tricks are necessary if you want to use these functions.

FD2InLine’ is a parser that converts ‘fd’ files and ‘clib’ files to ‘GCC inlines’.

fd’ and ‘clib’ files contain information about functions in shared libraries (see section Background).

FD2InLine’ reads these two files and merges the information contained therein, producing an output file suitable for use with the ‘GCC’ compiler.

This output file contains so-called inlines — one for each function entry. Using them, ‘GCC’ can produce very efficient code for making function calls to the AmigaOS shared libraries.

Note: the term ‘inlines’ is misleading — ‘FD2InLine’ no longer uses the __inline feature of ‘GCC’ (see section New format).

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2 Installation

The following assumes you have the ‘fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-bin.lha’ archive.

If you use a recent release of ‘GCC’, you might not need to install anything. Starting with ‘GCC’ 2.7.2, the new format (see section New format) of ‘inlines’ should be available with the compiler. However, the separate ‘fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-bin.lha’ archive will always contain the latest version of ‘FD2InLine’ and the ‘inlines’, which might not be the true for the ‘ADE’ or ‘Aminet’ distributions. ‘ADE’ distribution might not contain some of the supported 3rd party libraries’ ‘inlines’.

The installation is very easy, so there is no Installer script :-).

If you have an older version of the ‘inlines’ installed, please remove it now, or you might encounter problems later. Typically, you will have to remove the following subdirectories of the ‘os-include’ directory: ‘inline’, ‘pragmas’ and ‘proto’.

Next, please change your current directory to ‘ADE:’ (or ‘GNU:’, if you use old ‘Aminet’ release) and simply unpack the ‘fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-bin.lha’ archive. This should install everything in the right place. More precisely, the headers will go to the ‘include’ directory, the libraries to ‘lib’, ‘fd2inline’ executable to ‘bin’ directory and the ‘AmigaGuide’ documentation to the ‘guide’ directory.

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3 Usage

This chapter describes two aspects of using ‘FD2InLine’:

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3.1 Using inlines

Using ‘inlines’ is very simple. If you want to use a library called ‘foo.library’ (or a device called ‘bar.device’), simply include file ‘<proto/foo.h>’ (‘<proto/bar.h>’) and that’s it. For example:

#include <proto/dos.h>

int main(void)
   Delay(100); /* Wait for 2 seconds */

Please always include ‘proto’ files, notinline’ files - ‘proto’ files often fix some incompatibilities between system headers and ‘GCC’. Besides, this technique makes your code more portable across various AmigaOS ‘C’ compilers.

There are a few preprocessor symbols which alter the behaviour of the ‘proto’ and ‘inline’ files:


By default, the ‘proto’ files make external declarations of the library base pointers. You can disable this behaviour by defining __NOLIBBASE__ before including a ‘proto’ file.


The external declarations described above declare plain pointer variables. The disadvantage of this is that the library base variable has to be reloaded every time some function is called. If you define __CONSTLIBBASEDECL__ to const, less reloading will be necessary, and better code will be produced. However, declaring a variable as const makes altering it impossible, so some dirty hacks are necessary (like defining the variable as plain in one file and altering it only there. However, this will not work with base relative code).


Function definitions in the ‘inline’ files refer to the library base variable through the <library>_BASE_NAME symbol (e.g., AMIGAGUIDE_BASE_NAME for ‘amigaguide.library’). At the top of the ‘inline’ file, this symbol is redefined to the appropriate library base variable name (e.g., AmigaGuideBase), unless it has been already defined. This way, you can make the ‘inlines’ use a field of a structure as a library base, for example.


This symbol prevents the definition of inline macros for varargs functions (see section Old format).


This symbol is used only in ‘proto/exec.h’. Unlike ‘SAS/C’, ‘proto/exec.h’ uses the SysBase variable as the ‘Exec’ library base by default. This is usually faster than direct dereferencing of 0x00000004 (see section Background), since it does not require reading from ‘CHIP’ memory (things might be even worse if you use ‘Enforcer’ or ‘CyberGuard’, which protect the low memory region). However, in some low-level cases (like startup code) you might prefer dereferencing 0x00000004. To do this, define _USEOLDEXEC_ before including ‘proto/exec.h’.

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3.2 Using fd2inline

You invoke ‘FD2InLine’ by writing:

fd2inline’ [options] fd-file clib-file [[-o] output-file]

The command line arguments have the following meaning:


The name of the input ‘fd’ file.


The name of the input ‘clib’ file.


The name of the output ‘inline’ file. If it is not specified (or if ‘-’ is specified), standard output will be used instead. The file name can be preceded by a ‘-o’, for compatibility with most ‘UN*X’ software.

The following options can be specified (anywhere on the command line):


Produce new format ‘inlines’.


Produce old format ‘inlines’.


Produce library stubs.


Produce ‘proto’ file. If this option is specified, providing ‘clib’ file is not necessary. ‘fd2inline’ will only read ‘fd’ file and will generate a ‘proto’ file, to be put in ‘include/proto’ directory.


Print version information and exit.

See section Internals, for more information.


fd2inline ADE:os-lib/fd/exec_lib.fd ADE:os-include/clib/exec_protos.h -o ADE:include/inline/exec.h

This will build file ‘exec.h’ containing new format ‘inlines’ of ‘exec.library’ in directory ‘ADE:include/inline’.

If you want to add support for ‘GCC’ to a library, there are a few things you should remember about.

Sometimes, ‘FD2InLine’ might not know how to handle a function found in a ‘clib’ file, if this function doesn’t have a corresponding entry in the ‘fd’ file. This is most often a case of ‘varargs’ functions (see section Background), if they use nonstandard naming convention. ‘FD2InLine’ will warn you if it finds such a function. There is an array of such exceptions in ‘FD2InLine’ source code. You should add the name of this function there and send a patch to ‘FD2InLine’ maintainer (see section Authors), for inclussion in the next release of ‘FD2InLine’.

FD2InLine’ assumes that the type of the base variable is struct Library *. If it is something different in your case, you should extend an array of exceptions in ‘FD2InLine’ source code (see above).

In addition to creating ‘inlines’ you must also create a ‘proto’ file.

The easiest way to do it is to call ‘FD2InLine’ with ‘--proto’ option. Most often, the generated file will be ready to use. Unfortunately, some libraries (like, for example, ‘dos.library’) have broken header files and ‘GCC’ generates warning messages if you try to use them. To avoid these warnings, you have to include various headers in the ‘proto’ file before including the ‘clib’ file.

You might also want to create a ‘pragmas’ file, which might be necessary for badly written ‘SAS/C’ sources. ‘pragmas’ are generated automatically during the building of ‘FD2InLine’ by an ‘AWK’ script, so you might either have a look at the ‘fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-src.lha’ archive, or simply create ‘pragmas’ file by hand.

Creating a linker library with stubs might also be useful, in case somebody doesn’t want to, or can’t, use inline headers.

fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-src.lha’ contains necessary support for this. For example, to generate a library ‘libexec.a’ with ‘exec.library’ stubs, you should type:

make alllib INCBASE=exec LIBBASE=exec

This will create two ‘libexec.a’ libraries in ‘lib’ subdirectory: plain and base relative one. Of course, this particular example doesn’t make much sense since ‘libamiga.a’ already contains these stubs.

INCBASE and LIBBASE specify the base names of the (input) ‘proto’ and ‘fd’ files and the (output) library. This will often be the same, but not always. For example, in the case of ‘MUI’, INCBASE has to be set to muimaster, but LIBBASE should be set to mui.

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4 Rebuilding

First, you have to get the ‘fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-src.lha’ archive.

Unarchive it. You might either build ‘FD2InLine’ in source directory or in a separate, build directory. The latter is recommended. Type:

lha -mraxe x fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-src.lha
mkdir fd2inline-bin
cd fd2inline-bin
sh ../fd2inline-{No value for `version'}/configure --prefix=/ade

This should build the ‘FD2InLine’ executable, headers, libraries and so on.

Please note that the ‘fd’ files should be available in the directory ‘ADE:os-lib/fd’. If you store them in some other place, you will have to edit the ‘Makefile’ and modify variable FD_DIR before invoking make.

You can then type:

make install

This will install ‘fd2inline’, the ‘inlines’ and the documentation in the appropriate subdirectories of ‘ADE:’.

The ‘fd2inline-{No value for `version'}-src.lha’ archive contains four patches in unified diff format, in directory ‘patches’. They fix bugs in OS 3.1 headers and ‘fd’ files. Without applying ‘amigaguide_lib.fd.diff’ to ‘amigaguide.library’ ‘fd’ file, the produced ‘inlines’ will be broken. Applying ‘timer.h.diff’ to ‘devices/timer.h’ will prevent collision with IXEmul’s ‘sys/time.h’. Two other patches rename an argument name from true to tf, since true is a reserved word in ‘C++’. Use patch to apply these patches, for example:

cd ADE:os-lib/fd
patch -p0 <amigaguide_lib.fd.diff

ADE’ and ‘Aminet’ distributions contain more complete sets of patches.

A few words about the source code:

I know, it’s not state-of-the-art ‘C’ programming example. However, believe me, it was in much worse condition when I took it over. In its current state it is at least readable (if you use tab size 3, as I do :-). I think that rewriting it in ‘C++’ would clean it up considerably (it’s already written in ‘OO’ fashion, so this should be quite easy). Using flex and bison to create the parser would also be a nice thing, I guess. However, I don’t think it’s worth the effort. But, if somebody wants to do it: feel free, this is ‘GNU’ software, so everybody can modify it.

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5 Internals

This chapter describes the implementation details of ‘inlines’.

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5.1 Background

This section describes the calling conventions used in the AmigaOS shared libraries.

User-callable functions in the AmigaOS are organized in libraries.

From our point of view, the most important part of a library is the library base. It always resides in RAM and contains library variables and a jump table. The location of the library base varies. You can obtain the library base location of the main system library — exec.library — by dereferencing 0x00000004. Locations of other library bases can be obtained using the OpenLibrary function of ‘exec.library’.

Without providing unnecessary details, every function in a library has a fixed location in the library’s jump table. To call a function, one has to jump to this location.

Most functions require some arguments. In ‘C’, these are usually passed on the CPU stack. However, for some obscure reason, AmigaOS system designers decided that arguments to shared libraries should be passed in CPU registers.

All the information required to make library function calls is provided in fd files. Every shared library should have such a file. It provides the name a library base variable should have, the offset in the jump table where each library function resides, and information about which arguments should be passed in which registers.

In order to check if arguments passed to a function have the correct type, the ‘C’ compiler requires function prototypes. These are provided in clib files — every library should have such a file.

Starting with the AmigaOS release 2.0, certain functions have been provided which accept a variable number of arguments (so-called varargs functions). Actually, these are only ‘C’ language stubs. Internally, all optional arguments have to be put into an array of ‘long ints’ and the address of this array must be passed to a fixed args library function.

To implement calls to shared library functions, compiler vendors have to either use some compiler-dependent tricks to make these calls directly (so-called in line), or provide linker libraries with function stubs, usually written in assembler. In the latter case, a function call from the user’s code is compiled as usual — arguments are passed on the stack. Then, in the linking stage, a library stub gets linked in. When this stub is called during program execution, it moves the arguments from the stack to the appropriate registers and jumps to the library jump table. Needless to say, this is slower than making a call in line.

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5.2 Old format

extern __inline APTR
OpenAmigaGuideA(BASE_PAR_DECL struct NewAmigaGuide *nag, struct TagItem *attrs)
   register APTR res __asm("d0");
   register struct Library *a6 __asm("a6") = BASE_NAME;
   register struct NewAmigaGuide *a0 __asm("a0") = nag;
   register struct TagItem *a1 __asm("a1") = attrs;
   __asm volatile ("jsr a6@(-0x36:W)"
   : "=r" (res)
   : "r" (a6), "r" (a0), "r" (a1)
   : "d0", "d1", "a0", "a1", "cc", "memory");
   return res;

In this implementation, the AmigaOS shared library function stubs are external functions. They are defined as __inline, making ‘GCC’ insert them at every place of call. The mysterious BASE_PAR_DECL and BASE_EXT_DECL defines are hacks necessary for local library base support (which is quite hard to achieve, so it will not be described here). The biggest disadvantage of these ‘inlines’ is that compilation becomes very slow, requiring huge amounts of memory. Besides, inlining only works with optimization enabled.

#define OpenAmigaGuide(a0, tags...) \
   ({ULONG _tags[] = { tags }; OpenAmigaGuideA((a0), (struct TagItem *)_tags);})
#endif /* !NO_INLINE_STDARG */

The source above shows how ‘varargs’ functions are implemented. Handling them cannot be made using __inline functions, since __inline functions require a fixed number of arguments. Therefore, the unique features of the ‘GCC’ preprocessor (such as ‘varargs macros’) have to be used, instead. This has some drawbacks, unfortunately. Since these are actually preprocessor macros and not function calls, you cannot make tricky things involving the preprocessor inside them. For example:

#include <proto/amigaguide.h>

#define OPENAG_BEG OpenAmigaGuide(

void f(void)
   OPENAG_BEG "a_file.guide" OPENAG_END;
#ifdef ABC

Neither of the above OpenAmigaGuide() calls is handled correctly.

In the case of the first call, you get an error:

unterminated macro call

By the time the preprocessor attempts to expand the OpenAmigaGuide macro, OPENAG_END is not yet expanded, so the preprocessor cannot find the closing bracket. This code might look contrived, but ‘MUI’, for example, defines such macros to make code look more pretty.

In the case of the second call, you’ll see:

warning: preprocessing directive not recognized within macro arg

A workaround would be to either surround entire function calls with conditions, or to conditionally define a preprocessor symbol GUIDE somewhere above and simply put GUIDE as a function argument:

#ifdef ABC
#define GUIDE "abc.guide"
#define GUIDE "def.guide"

void f(void)
#ifdef ABC
   OpenAmigaGuide("abc.guide", TAG_DONE);
   OpenAmigaGuide("def.guide", TAG_DONE);
   OpenAmigaGuide(GUIDE, TAG_DONE);

Another problem is that when you pass a pointer as an argument, you get a warning:

warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast

This is because all optional arguments are put as initializers to an array of ULONG. And, if you attempt to initialize an ULONG with a pointer without a cast, you get a warning. You can avoid it by explicit casting of all pointer arguments to ULONG.

Because of these drawbacks, ‘varargs inlines’ can be disabled by defining NO_INLINE_STDARG before including a ‘proto’ file. In such a case, you will need a library with function stubs.

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5.3 New format

#define OpenAmigaGuideA(nag, attrs) \
   LP2(0x36, APTR, OpenAmigaGuideA, struct NewAmigaGuide *, nag, a0, struct TagItem *, attrs, a1, \

As you can see, this implementation is much more compact. The LP2 macro (and others) are defined in ‘inline/macros.h’, which is included at the beginning of every ‘inline’ file.

#define LP2(offs, rt, name, t1, v1, r1, t2, v2, r2, bt, bn) \
({							\
   t1 _##name##_v1 = (v1);				\
   t2 _##name##_v2 = (v2);				\
   {							\
      register rt _##name##_re __asm("d0");		\
      register struct Library *const _##name##_bn __asm("a6") = (struct Library*)(bn);\
      register t1 _n1 __asm(#r1) = _##name##_v1;	\
      register t2 _n2 __asm(#r2) = _##name##_v2;	\
      __asm volatile ("jsr a6@(-"#offs":W)"		\
      : "=r" (_##name##_re)				\
      : "r" (_##name##_bn), "r"(_n1), "r"(_n2)		\
      : "d0", "d1", "a0", "a1", "cc", "memory");	\
      _##name##_re;					\
   }							\

If you compare this with the old ‘inlines’ (see section Old format) you will notice many similarities. Indeed, both implementations use the same tricks. This means that there should be small, if any, difference in code quality between old and new ‘inlines’.

With the new ‘inlines’, however, inlining is performed very early, at the preprocessing stage. This makes compilation much faster, less memory hungry, and independent of the optimization options used. This also makes it very easy to use local library bases — all that is needed is to define a local variable with the same name as library base.

Unfortunately, using the preprocessor instead of the compiler for making function calls has its drawbacks, as described earlier (see section Old format). There is not much you can do about it apart from modifying your code.

Depending on the type of a function, ‘FD2InLine’ generates calls to different ‘LP’ macros.

Macros are distinguished by one or more of the qualifiers described below:


As you may have already guessed, digit indicates the number of arguments a function accepts. Therefore, it is mandatory.


This indicates a “no return” (void) function.

A4, A5

These two are used when one of the arguments has to be in either the ‘a4’ or ‘a5’ register. In certain situations, these registers have special meaning and have to be handled more carefully.


This indicates “user base” — the library base pointer has to be specified explicitly by the user. Currently, this is used for ‘cia.resource’ only. Since there are two ‘CIA’ chips, the programmer has to specify which one [s]he wants to use.


This means that one of the arguments is of type “pointer to a function”. To overcome strange ‘C’ syntax rules in this case, inside ‘FP’ macros a typedef to __fpt is performed. The ‘inline’ file passes __fpt as the argument type to the ‘LP’ macro. The actual type of the argument, in a form suitable for a typedef, is passed as an additional, last argument.

As you can see, there could be more than a hundred different variations of the ‘LP’ macros. ‘inline/macros.h’ contains only 34, which are used in the current OS version and supported 3rd party libraries. More macros will be added in the future, if needed.

If you look carefully at the definition of OpenAmigaGuideA at the beginning of this section, you might notice that the next to last argument to the ‘LP’ macro is not used. New ‘inlines’ were not implemented in one evening, and they went through many modifications. This unused argument (which was once a type of library base pointer) is provided for backwards compatibility. Actually, there are more unnecessary arguments, like function and argument names, but it was decided to leave them in peace.

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5.4 Stubs format

Stubs format is very similar to old format (see section Old format). The functions are not defined as extern, however.

The main difference is the format of the ‘varargs’ functions — they are plain functions, not preprocessor macros.

APTR OpenAmigaGuide(struct NewAmigaGuide *nag, int tag, ...)
   return OpenAmigaGuideA(nag, (struct TagItem *)&tag);

This format is not suitable for inlining, and it is not provided for this purpose. It is provided for the building of linker libraries with stubs (see section Using fd2inline).

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6 History

Version 1.0, July 14, 1996, Kamil Iskra

Version 1.1, October 24, 1996, Kamil Iskra

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7 Authors

The first parser for ‘GCC inlines’ was written in ‘Perl’ by Markus Wild.

It had several limitations, which were apparently hard to fix in ‘Perl’. This is why Wolfgang Baron decided to write a new parser in ‘C’.

For some reason, however, he never finished it. In early 1995. Rainer F. Trunz took over its development and “improved, updated, simply made it workable” (quotation from the change log). It still contained quite a few bugs, though.

In more-or-less the same time, I started a discussion on the ‘amiga-gcc-port’ mailing list about improving the quality of ‘inlines’. The most important idea came from Matthias Fleischer, who introduced the new format of ‘inlines’ (see section New format). Since I started the discussion, I volunteered to make improvements to the ‘inlines’ parser. Having no idea about programming in ‘Perl’, I decided to modify the parser written in ‘C’. I fixed all the bugs known to me, added some new features, and wrote this terribly long documentation :-).

Not all of the files distributed in the ‘FD2InLine’ archives were created by me or ‘FD2InLine’. Most of the files in ‘include/proto-src’ and ‘include/inline-src’ (‘alib.h’, ‘strsub.h’ and ‘stubs.h’) were written by Gunther Nikl (with some modifications by Joerg Hoehle and me).

If you have any comments concerning this work, please write to:


This is a list to which most of the ‘ADE GCC’ developers and activists subscribe, so you are practically guaranteed to get a reply.

However, if, for some reason, you want to contact me personally, you can do so in one of the following ways:

Latest version of this package should always be available on my WWW page:


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8 Index

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Index Entry  Section

<library>_BASE_NAME 3.1 Using inlines

_USEOLDEXEC_ 3.1 Using inlines
__CONSTLIBBASEDECL__ 3.1 Using inlines
__NOLIBBASE__ 3.1 Using inlines

Address 7 Authors
Authors 7 Authors

Background 5.1 Background

CLIB files 5.1 Background
Creating inlines 3.2 Using fd2inline

FD files 5.1 Background
Function arguments 5.1 Background
Function calls format in shared libraries 5.1 Background

History 6 History

Installation 2 Installation
Internals 5 Internals
Introduction 1 Introduction

Jump table 5.1 Background

Latest version 7 Authors
Libraries 5.1 Background
Library base 5.1 Background
Linker libraries 5.1 Background

Making efficient calls 3.1 Using inlines

New inlines format 5.3 New format

Old inlines format 5.2 Old format
Other parsers 7 Authors

Preprocessor symbols 3.1 Using inlines

Rebuilding 4 Rebuilding
Reporting bugs 7 Authors

Source code 4 Rebuilding
Stubs inlines format 5.4 Stubs format

Usage 3 Usage
Using FD2Inline 3.2 Using fd2inline
Using inlines 3.1 Using inlines

Varargs functions 5.1 Background
Varargs problems 5.2 Old format

What FD2InLine is 1 Introduction
What has changed 6 History
Where to put it 2 Installation

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